
What do I need to know about configuring Partisan?

Partisan has several configuration options, some of which are backend specific. To modify any configuration parameter, just use the partisan_config module.

> partisan_config:set(partisan_peer_service_manager, partisan_default_peer_service_manager).

General Configuration

  • partisan_peer_service_manager: The peer service manager backend to use.
  • peer_ip: The IP address that this machine will listen on for incoming connections.
  • peer_port: The port that this machine will listen on for incoming connections.
  • tls: Whether to use TLS/SSL for peer connections.
  • tls_options: TLS configuration options to use, as defined in the ssl application.

Default Backend Configuration

  • gossip_interval: How often to gossip the membership to other members in the cluster.
  • fanout: The number of nodes that are contacted at each gossip interval.